Living the Paschal Mystery transforms us to become His presence in our changing and challenging world.
Our whole way of life is deeply rooted in God, Mk. 3:14.
The contemplative dimension in its fullest understanding will permeate all aspects of formation.
- We seek to bring new life in the face of death; fullness of life to ourselves, to others, and to our common home. John 10:10.
- By our contemplative and prophetic life we seek to immerse ourselves among the people on the margins of society.
- Answering the need of the time, in our respective contexts, together we live the Holy Cross Charism.
- We cultivate the consciousness of belonging together in our diversity.
- Collaboration and networking brings strength to our ministries.
- We are transformed and transforming by our national and international collaboration.
- As co-creators we embrace God’s creation, and in solidarity we take measures to live sustainably.
- In the globalisation of our world we commit ourselves to promote justice, mercy and equality.
- Formation is a life long process.
- Our whole way of life is deeply rooted in Christ.
- A holistic approach inspires a continous transformation of mind, heart and will.
"May Jesus live in our hearts." (Mother Bernarda)
- Leadership qualities are fostered through continuous formation. We are called to be servant leaders in God‘s Kingdom, John 13
- Our secularised world calls for our transforming presence.
- Living the Kingdom of God radically, we uphold the rights and dignity of each person, attentive to safeguarding policies in our care of the vulnerable.
- We value social media and promote its healthy use to unite worldwide communion around the Holy Cross Charism.
“…remember, I am with you always, to the end of the ages”. Mt 28:20b