Create - Liberate - Transform
Repeat the invitation to steep yourselves in a contemplative spirit. Notice what takes you into that space and helps you stay there; notice what pulls you out of it.
Listen and practice these words of Sr. Mary Daniel Turner
“Entrust yourselves to the Presence of God who dwells within you and around you, individually and collectively.”
“Welcome the Presence of God who invites you to a profound engagement with matters that matter, not with ego needs.”
“Confide yourselves to the Spirit of God who illuminates the false securities and domesticating ideologies that seduce and lead you away from the work at hand.”
“Open your hearts to the Spirit of God who graces you to surrender incapacitating habits of mind and heart:
so that you can embody and access the corporate wisdom flowing through you and to act with the moral authority given to you as a common body.”
“Rest into the Divine source of your inspired work. Remember to go there with your intention more than effort. Consciously open what you are doing, deciding, feeling, again and again to the presence of the Spirit and then let go and relax.”
“Tune into your heart, your core, and notice what is there, what gives you energy and what de-energizes you. Do daily noticing.” “Continue to say YES to being present, to assuming your power and authority.”
(Inputs by Sr Pat Farrell – General Chapter 2019)