Our CHARISM - a fidelity anchored in its origins

The mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to our spirituality as Sisters of the Holy Cross and it inspires our style of mission. Through our holistic service to persons, we bring hope of new life and contribute to the transformation of society.
The Charism of the Congregation expresses the spiritual identity of the members along the lines intended by the Founders. A Congregation’s Charism possesses the radiance, which is contagious, passing from person to person. It lasts through time and inserts itself into daily life. Its permanence is only possible through a dynamic fidelity - a fidelity anchored in its origins but at the same time open to the signs of the times.
In daily life we are called to live the Pascal Mystery. This is reflected in our daily living with the guidance of the Holy Spirit who confirms our faith, hope and love.
Responding to the challenges in our multicultural society and being fully immersed in the realities of the current times, we bring new life to the people. By taking on a prophetic role in all that we do, we reflect Christ to the world through our being and action.
As we live the Charism for our mission in the Church and in our society, we keep in mind that as a Congregation our activities continue the mission of Jesus Christ and is carried out in the spirit of our Founders.
"Through our ministries we witness to Christ who is the Lover of life. Through meaningful dialogue and interaction with the people who suffer and struggle with various issues, we bring hope and holistic formation to them specially the poor and disadvantaged"