Congregational Leadership Community
From the Message of our General Chapter 2019
""We cultivate the consciousness of belonging together in our diversity"
"Living the Paschal Mystery transforms us to became
His presence in our changing and challenging world""We seek to bring new life in the face of death: fullness of life to ourselves, to others, and to our common home" (John 10,10)
"We are called to be servant leaders in God’s Kingdom" (John 13)
Sr. Dorina Zanoni : Congregational Leader

I was born in Ponte di Legno (Italy) on 6th December 1967 and this year I can celebrate my 27 years of Religious Profession in our Congregation. I collaborated as educator in a College for teenagers and in a Parish for many years. I studied Pedagogy and I led some courses of education for adults. In these last 8 years I was the Provincial Leader of the Sister of Holy Cross in Italy
In my heart is remaining always this sentences of our Founders: "I need of the Sisters who can understand the Cross: with them I can all; Your convent is the whole world“ (fr Theodosius). "I thank God for the good He put in your lives and hearts“ (Mother Bernarda)
The scripture text that always stays with me is: "Jesus loved me and gave himself for me“ (Gal 2,20)
Sr Fatima Puthenthoppil : Councillor for Central India, Southern India and Swiss Provinces

I was born on 17th January 1954 at Changanacherry in Kerala, South India and I was professed in 1978. Now I can celebrate 42 years of Religious life. I was Provincial Leader of the Central India Province for 6 years and Provincial Councillor for 8 years. After that period, I worked as Nurse Educator and leader of the Nursing Service at St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore. An Institution owned by the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India.
I love this sentence of Mother Bernarda: ‘’May Jesus live in our hearts. He helps you and loves you more than anybody else in this world loves you”.
My favourite quote of the Scripture which enlighten me often ‘’I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’’ Philippians .4: 13
Sr Bernadette Duffy : Councillor for Southern Africa, Zambia, Lesotho, Cape and English Provinces

I was born on 19th May 1965 in a small Catholic village called Lawrencetown in County Down, Northern Ireland. I entered the Southern Africa Provine and I am professed 31 years. I am a Educator by profession. Before joining CLT I worked as our school's animator for nine years. Simultaneously, I engaged in Pastoral Work in our local parish church in Maitland, Cape Town. Pastoral work is very close to my heart. During those past nine years I completed six years of Ignatian Spirituality Training which enabled me to conduct retreats and offer Spiritual Direction.
The words of Father Theodosius that remain in me are: "Your convent is the world."
The words of Mother Bernarda that remain with me are: 'God is always near you, even if you don't feel it He is hidden in the depth of your heart.'
My favorite scripture quote is: 'I have come that they may have life and have it to the fullest.' Jn 10.10
Sr Matilde Inostroza : Councillor for Latin America and Cunco Provinces and House Italia

I was born on 29 March 1958 in Cunco-Chile. I am professed for the past 41 years. I was Provincial Leader of the Cunco Province for 9 years. Before joining the Congregational Leadership Team I worked with and accompanied the teachers in our School.
I like this sentence of our Founders: "Only Love can wake up the Life“
In my heart remains this text of the Holy Scripture: "Love never fails“ (1Cor 13,8 )
Sr Rose Paul Puthusserril : Councillor for North India, Sri Lanka and German Provinces

I was born on 1st March 1958 in a small village Karimannoor in Idukki District, Kerala, India. I have completed 39 years of profession. I was a Formator and served the Indian provinces for over 25 years. I am a teacher by profession. Before joing the CLT, I voluntary pioneered anew community in Bihar, North India. I worked there for 8 years engaging in education, pastoral care, health care and social work. I managed a new school with over 1200 students.
Mother Bernarda’s strengthening words to Sr. Agnes is an assuring message for me : ‘Praise and love the Lord in suffering and in joy, in consolation and in bitterness. That is the most beautiful prayer. May Jesus live in our hearts.’
Bible sentence I have chosen for life- ‘’I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’’(Phil.4:13)