Sri Lanka Province

Inauguration of the New Convent at Katakadu Chilaw Diocese
The parishioners of Katakadu from the diocese of Chilaw, have requested us to initiate a community in their parish since there is a real need for sisters and no other religious are present. Thus, they have prepared to accommodate us in a temporary house until they build a suitable convent for the sisters. We have identified the needs of these people. The pastoral ministry is considered as the main focus as there are thousand of Catholic families consisting of Tamil and Sinhala groups and the youth need guidance.
Therefore we opened a new Community on the 9th of February 2020. We are happy to spread the kingdom of God and to share the spirituality of our dear Founder and Foundress and it is a blessing that we can continue our services to the needy The new community was blessed by His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis. This occasion provided a special opportunity for a gathering of the members of the province along with Sr. Robina Paulin, her councillors to mark the joyful event and to thank God, from whom all blessings come, for the gift of a new home.
Currently three Sisters are residing and doing their mission very enthusiastically and actively. We are hopeful of getting a teaching post in the nearby government school, which would also enable us to maintain the community. Therefore one of the Sister is temporarily teaching in the Government School and others are involved in pastoral activities.

Golden Jubilee:
On 8th of February we Celebrated the Golden Jubilee of our two Senior Sisters (Srs.Rita Kurusumuthu & Josephine Solomon) at the Provincialate, Daluwakotuwa. Many of the Sisters and their family participated in the celebration. Especially their family members &some of the relatives took part in the celebration.
On 12th of February The Missionszentrale der Franziskaner (MZF) representatives from Germany organized one day seminar for the Franciscan inter-Congregational religious and lay associated members who work for the projects. The seminar dealt with topics on the development of humanitarian, social, pastoral projects, education, information and human rights. The seminar enabled us to deepen our Franciscan Solidarity.
Final Vows:
On the 22nd of April Four of Our Sisters (Srs.Dominrilda Eskalan, Raajana Rasanayakam, Nishanthini Benavanthor& Mary Roshani John Mary) made their Final commitment. A simple celebration with a few Sisters who were staying in Daluwakotuwa. Due to the current lock down issues. Family members could not participate.