South Indian Province

One more mile stone in the history of the South Indian Province
Installation of new Provincial Leadership Team
“I am because you are”
with this salutation Sr Josia Koonamparayil, the new Provincial Leader received a ‘treasure trove’ symbolizing the ‘sister treasure’ from Sr Eileen and accepted the Leadership of South Indian Province. Imploring Gods grace Sr Josia prayed for the faith of Abraham, Zeal of Elijah, Wisdom of King Solomon, Silence of St. Joseph, Humbleness of Mary, Courage and zeal of Sts. Peter and Paul and bowed for God’s blessings.
Sr Josia Koonamparayil, Sr Melveena Chempakassery, Sr Vinny Palakudiyil,
Sr Sandhya Manjali, Sr Sangeetha Valiyaveettil, Sr Princy Jesuare, Sr Shiny Thomas Manavalan.

Six years of fruitful service for the sisters in the South Indian Province, we applaud Sr Eileen for her guidance, direction and accompaniment of the sisters of South Indian Province for the past six years. We are grateful to you dear Sr Eileen Vettikuzhakunnel, you had been a blessing to us and our province has grown because of you. We are grateful to Sr Maieda Mendez, Sr Fides Thottan, Sr Asha Kizhakumthala. Sr Atmaja Poonoli, Sr Jasmin Selvaraj, Sr Anjali Valekalam and Sr Juliet Jose Kainickara for supporting to the growth of the province.
Sr Josia Koonamparayil