Swiss Province

The Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross was founded in 1844 in Menzingen by Mother Ber-narda Heimgartner and Father Theodosius Florentini. That is why we are called "Menzinger" Sisters in Switzerland.
Our spirituality and way of life can best be understood by coming and living with us for a while. We journey with Jesus Christ who is our guiding principle of life and who is revealed in the Gospel. Our name comes from the early years of our congregation, when the sisters drew strength and courage from the Cross and Resurrection.
Hence the Motto
In the Cross is Salvation!
Photo by Mr Dinner
Our motherhouse is a place of reflection and prayer. In the Holy Cross chapel at Mother Bernarda's grave many people look for help and strength in time of worry and sorrow.
Participation in worship is open to all.
Women looking for silence and inner direction can live for a space of time with us.
We try to respond to the needs of the time for today through:
- Presence with pastoral and social service in small communities
- Spiritual accompaniment with searching individuals
- Care of our sisters who are aged and in need of nursing service.